Monday, September 7, 2009

In God We Trust???

Sylvia Pickrell Demetroulakos Check out this link!

Diamond Rio song that is being banned by major radio stations.
2 hours ago · · · Share · Report
Monica Ratcliff-Redd
Monica Ratcliff-Redd
That was AWESOME!!!!! Brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for sharing:) Sweet dreams.
2 hours ago
Andrew Blum
Andrew Blum
The song sucks. But way more importantly the message is inaccurate. This country has always had multiple strains when it came to mixing religion and government. Heres none other than Thomas Jefforson for you: "No man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burthened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer, on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinions in matters of religion, and that the same shall in no wise diminish, enlarge, or affect their civil capacities."
23 minutes ago · Delete
Andrew Blum
Andrew Blum
This idea that in God We Trust was with all the time and was agreed to by all is a lie. If you want to support God thats fine. But keep your beliefs out of the government. It does not belong there. However, thats not the most insidious part.
20 minutes ago · Delete
Andrew Blum
Andrew Blum
The worst part which pissed me off to high hell (I made a pun) is the use of 9/11 imagery. I lost people I went to HS with at 9/11. I had the wife of someone who was crying over our house that day. Her husband called us as he was running down the stairs of the second tower and then click. He actually, survived. But let me tell you that I felt like I was personally attacked. I know that feeling was nationwide as well, but the point is none of my friends who were there would agree with the feelings expressed in the song. That being we just need more God in government. Its gross exploitation for the writers personal politics.
15 minutes ago · Delete
Andrew Blum
Andrew Blum
So let me emphatically say in no uncertain, that my America the one whom I would equally die for. That America is the one where we Freedom of Religion. The ten commandments should not be in the court house or any where else. We are a nation of Constitutional Law not a Theocracy. One needs to look any furthur than to IRAN to see what the mixture of God and government wrought. I have no issue with God blessing the USA, but keep GOD the hell away from our political system. That's what parents are for.
2 seconds ago · Delete

Friday, September 4, 2009

Obama and the selling of Health Care

The problem with this whole debate is the American people are confused. They simply do not understand what the benefit of the public option is. The left and Obama need to expain three things and hammer it home. With a public option:

1. There will be more money to pay workers when health care is taking less of a bite out of total wages.
2. No one should die because they do not have access to health insurance.
3. No one should go broke because they are sick.

That's a winnig argument more money and less death. Obviously, this is over simplified. However, we need sound bites. If we have to rely on the average American to truly understand something this complex, it will never happen. Unfortunately, Obama has never shown any willingness to go the simple route. Sometimes we need a philospher, sometimes we need a salesman. George Bush was only able to be the latter. If Obama can only do the former he will have a presidency that is mediocre at best.